Walk of Wäste (shortfilm, animation, stopmotion)

The film WALK OF WASTE concretizes destructive ways of working coupled with a scope for free interpretation. The interplay of the single images, barely granted a snapshot of time as soon as they are born, with the rapid change of scenes and with the help of appropriate noise in the soundtrack, seeks to come close to a crazy daydream.

The film was produced from Alexander Moritz, Benjamin Wahl, Christoph Streicher und Viktor Lissy as a semester project. It is an abstract hand painted animation which mixes the borders between painting and space. The film deals with wasteness and sketches modern problems of the consumer society. At the end of the production a small exhibition of the working room and a rough cut of the film was presented. The group also worked together with the local band „Ohne Kane Bresln“ for the soundtrack and recorded the soundtrack at the university studio.

Features and screenings:

– 26.04.2014 Premiere @ Crossing Europe Filmfestival Linz (local artists shorts)

– 27.06.2014 Feature @ G.A.S. – Station Berlin (Kurz- und Langfilmtage)

Benjamin Wahl, geb. 1987, Medientechnik und Design @ FH Hagenberg | HolzHaus Linz
Alexander Moritz, geb. 1989, Medientechnik und -design @ FH Hagenberg
Christoph Streicher, geb ???, Medientechnik und -design @ FH Hagenberg
Viktor Lissy, Medientechnik und -design @ FH Hagenberg

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